Bodyspace Blog

I observe many things in class, working privately with clients and as a student of movement myself.

These are my reflections.

Hayley Brown Hayley Brown

Navigating Women’s Health Through Movement

Movement matters when it comes to navigating the broad arc of women’s health through different stages of life. Pre and postnatal, menstrual health, perimenopause, menopause, pelvic health long term, bone and joint health, mobility, nervous system regulation and sleep are all aspects of women’s health that can be affected through different stages of life. This new class series is dedicated to providing space and time in the week for you to slow down, tune in, move in ways that balance tensions, restore ease of breathing and movement and improve confidence. Learn more here.

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Hayley Brown Hayley Brown

Constructive Rest: The Unsung Hero of Self Care in Menopause

It’s Menopause Awareness Month, and amidst the sea of advice and information which, in itself can be overwhelming for any person going through perimenopause and menopause, I'm going to champion the unsung hero of menopausal wellness: Constructive Rest.

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Hayley Brown Hayley Brown

Constructive Rest: The Benefits of Getting Down To Ground Level

Get down on the floor, roll, stretch and release using highly effective techniques grounded in restorative practice, mindfulness, nervous system regulation and massage. Taking time to prepare the body for deep rest is a skill that comes with a multitude of benefits to your digestive system, nervous system, scar tissue flexibility, pelvic floor, muscle tone and more.

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Hayley Brown Hayley Brown

Try This After A Long Walk

A deceptively simple way to release lower back tension in preparation for, during and after a really long walk.

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